Tuesday, December 30, 2008

NEW YEAR 2009 + exams

hi everyone.....
i took 10 days to post another entry into the blog......that's very bad from my side.....at least i must learn from Amitabh Bacchan.......

Now ....." A VERY VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE WHO CAME INTO MY LIFE..." all my friends.....all my well wishers.....their families......our country administration....our police department......our business firms......our security guards......all the people who keep our city/state/country clean........ hsshhhhh........ 
Again coming to my favorite topic of current major happenings...we must congratulate the people of Jammu & Kashmir...to successfully electing their favorite candidate.......Omar Abdullah is liked by many people not only in J&K...but also around rest of the India.....his famous 5  minute speech on the 22nd July 2008 in the parliament session was a hit on YouTube for sure........

mine also...the video made by me on Angelina Jolie also got almost 8,335 hits up till now....he he....

all those who also belong to the same university as mine.....yeah ...its RGPV....BEST OF LUCK TO ALL......for their exams obviously......

my new year post will be full of emotions......i must say.....


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Post number 1: Full of anger

hi everyone....
I mentioned in the profile about recent two incidents....
The first is the Mumbai attacks and before telling you the second let us all pay our gratitude towards those who were killed in the attacks and also to those who pay for our freedom and safety through their sweat and blood...
The second incident was the voting happened in my state.....and guess what....it happened just next day after the Mumbai attacks.......i was very happy to cast my vote for the first time and to tell u all...i didn't wash my hands that whole day....only in the fear of getting the voting marks applied on my left index finger wiped by water......

But my happiness got ruined in two days...when i saw the attitude of out great politician towards the attacks......it's ok if the CM goes their with his family and a director to show the place.....it's ok if the Indian home minister resigned because of his lack of capabilities to tackle with the anger of the Indian public...........but its not ok when some states CM puts a abusive dialogue on the media table about Late soldiers family.....it's not ok when a cabinet minister arise a doubt on the death of the ATS chief and blame the Hindi organizations.....what the politicians don't understand that  terrorism has no religion.....no matter thy are Muslim, Hindu....or Tamil...or any other......what matters is that they are the enemies of humanity........

I was planning to make my blog a fun place to everyone ...to share valuable information and to make it a daily routine even if i am not around.....but what can i do.....i just wanted to share my feelings and the anger about the incidents.......which incidentally raised a question in my mind......

i.e..... " Why I voted....??? " why????......
should I voted to be unsafe in my own city...country......
should i voted to blame my politicians like i just did..........

.....I voted because I too want to have some responsibilities as an Indian...

I think i am sounding a little boring ....so keep in touch with me and .......also.....please contribute to make this blog a " worth seeing and addicted to comment " types......
