Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thursday, September 24 '2009...a day before my b’day.......whenever I used to visit my blog..this date used to haunt me....teased me....for not yet updating it.....but finally I've got a chance to update my blog after a very huge time gap.......

a lot of things happened......the scenario of my life changed...I made some decisions .....some mistakes.....some compromises......some adjustments with time, family, myself, friends...and .money......

anyways....I have finally joined the college....doing MBA....and haa......still enjoying the Recession Blues.......also third time cleared my EKT....waiting for the SSB date.......

I m in Bhopal right now and sitting in my room.....not alone but with my roommate ...a very good friend of mine....a school time friend imagine a person who's a fan of Ayn Rand's Fountain Head but still religiously devoting his whole night reading "2-states by Chetan Bhagat"...yes...there he is.......

now enough of coverage given to him......for details see my followers list.... :)

its 1:51 in the night and fingers are just running to write anything which comes to my mind...but the constraints of "living away from your home are haunting me"......

its good to wash your own clothes.....getting up early in the morning.....going to college.....

but the other part is......"not getting what you require ...what do we call it.....ummmmm.....may be a Full meal......"......." not getting your mothers lap...." to sleep on for hours......".....not freely roaming around in the city...because u don't know the roads and directions.......naaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh..........i will not make my post emotional and boring...............I know the fact that a person who has lived in Indore for so long...can not enjoy in Bhopal..........but why not change it........(i know its survive without good food....but ab toh bol diya...)..........

Bhopal showed me various colors of life....i got new friends......and indeed very good to see some very beautiful scenic terrains of this "Mahakaushal region"......

Also got to know that MBA is not that easy as I used to think..........its really hard to give so many presentations in one single day...with out even knowing what the topic actually is......I also enjoyed the Quiz Show conducted in our college HR-Club.......

Also at last I must say....i am missing my engineering days.......because engineering teachs you to think .......yes......”Think’ think out of the box......I learned from there only.......hope it helps me in MBA........

- Aditya...


  1. heh... post worth the wait....the unhinderrd flow of emotns, with uncanny innocnce of 'bare it all' or the shrewdness of a would b H.R building up PR i cannot tell...keep updatin man...

  2. Hello sir... Nice to see you back Again..!!!
    Nice Photos....n Yes you were Always the MINERVA of Acropolis in Engineering Days...Hope you keep up in you MBA too.

    It's pleasure reading your blog..!!!!

    Enjoy MBA...Best of Luck!!!!!

  3. gr8 job yaar.......firstly i must say same pinch...i gt sufficient meal bt i m still craving 4 my mother's lap n daddy's touch......

    it reminded me lots of things as well....

    i know u'll gt accustomed 2 bhopal vry soon.....
    good 2 see another blog...
    keep updatg it.

  4. hey adi the daddy of the cool
    same feelings yaar, after indore everything is suna-suna....

    Miss U n our engg. days...

  5. Dhanyavad thodi meharbani engineers par bhi kar di..

  6. hey adi....nice to hear the emotions straight from ur heart....i know whatever u said is definitely true....

    I would like to say something...i have learnt something from the corporate life that i am enjoying to the fullest these days...

    what i feel is....past gone cannot be welcomed back....present is leaving every moment....future is i feel inspite of overburdening our thoughts with emotions it is always better that we love life the way it is...enjoy every moment of life no matter how many miseries it may give us....
    just just live the present to the life king size with just realistic thoughts for future....

    live life kingsize....gain the extreme experience we can, once we get laiden with the responsibilities it's really hard to go off the y not take those experience now when we can..........

    live life king size....

    have a great day....
